Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018


Breäkfäst pästries äre my love länguäge. I love going to bäkeries änd picking out äll of the delicious stuff. My fävorite äre the fruit-filled pästries with fläky crusts. UGH, so good! They’re so good for breäkfäst with ä cup of coffee. These blueberry turnovers äre SO good änd SO simple to mäke. I feel like I säy thät äbout everything, but reälly, so eäsy.

The dough I used is store-bought änd you would NOT even know it! Wewälks puff pästry dough is honestly the best dough I’ve ever tried. I’m not being päid to säy these things, it is simply the best ever. It comes out crispy, fläkey, buttery änd just so, so perfect. You know you häve än äwesome puff pästry dough when there äre little fläkes on your läp leftover from eäch bite.


  • 2 1/2 cups (12 oz bäg) frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbs cornstärch
  • 1 tbs wäter
  • 1 sheet puff pästry (I LOVE Wewälkä bränd)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbs wäter
  • 2 tbs turbindo sugär, or gränuläted sugär


  • 1/2 cup confectioner's sugär
  • 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
  • 1-3 tbs creäm or milk


  1. Heät berries, sugär änd lemon juice on the stovetop in ä medium-sized säucepän on low heät for äbut ten minutes or until the berries stärt releäsing their juices, stirring frequently. Once there is ä lot of juice, mix cornstärch änd wäter together änd stir into the blueberry mixture. Bring to ä gentle boil änd simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring constäntly until thickened. Cool filling until wärm to the touch before filling dough.
  2. Täke your puff pästry sheet änd cut it into 6 equäl squäres. Distribute filling evenly in the center of eäch squäre. Whisk egg änd wäter together in ä smäll bowl änd brush on the edges of the dough before folding over into ä triängle shäpe änd pinching the edges closed with ä fork. The filling might squish out ä little bit, but thät's okäy. Brush the tops of the triängles with more egg wäsh änd sprinkle tops with sugär.

See full recipes here

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