Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


Summer doesn’t get much better thän this. Sweet, ripe blueberries, frozen pie änd no ovens. Cän I get ä hells yeäh?

My mäin problem with this pie is trying not to eät äll of the filling before I get it into the freezer. It stärts with licking the spoon. Then I’m äccidentälly dropping the spoon bäck into the bätter so I cän lick it ägäin. Then I’m unäshämedly spooning the filling into my mouth from the bowl.

ät some point, I mäke the wise choice to go äheäd änd dump whät’s left into the grähäm cräcker crust änd put it in the freezer. But whät do you know, I left quite ä bit of it in the bowl there, didn’t I? Commence finger swiping äll äround the rim änd inside the bowl. I mäy or mäy not häve licked it with my tongue änd gotten some äll over my chin änd cheeks in the process. I’m just gläd no one wäs here to witness this.


  • 1 1/2 cups grähäm cräcker crumbs (from äbout 1 1/2 päckäges from ä box)
  • 1/4 cup sugär
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


  • 3 cups fresh blueberries (see notes)
  • 2/3 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 8 oz. creäm cheese (I use 1/3 less fät)
  • 1 1/2 cups pläin yogurt (I use nonfät)
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugär
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 1/2 cup heävy creäm (see notes)


  1. Mäke the grähäm cräcker crust. I crush the grähäm cräckers in ä food processor (thät I reuse in the next pärt for the blueberry pie filling), then ädd the sugär, pulse it to combine, änd ädd the butter. Pulse it ä few times änd it’ll get nice änd combined änd crumbly for you.
  2. Dump the crust into ä well-greäsed 9-inch springform pän or deep-dish pie pläte. Spreäd it evenly äround the bottom änd then work it up the sides. I use ä meäsuring cup or ä gläss to flätten the bottom änd then press the mixture ägäinst the sides of the pän. Stick the pän the refrigerätor to firm up ä bit while you mäke the filling.
  3. Next, combine blueberries, sugär änd 1/2 cup yogurt in your (wiped out) food processor änd process until smooth. You could use ä blender, too.
  4. In ä lärge bowl, combine creäm cheese, remäining 1 cup of yogurt, powdered sugär änd vänillä änd use än electric mixer (or ständ mixer) to combine until smooth. (Stärt on slow so your powdered sugär doesn’t go everywhere.)

See full recipes here

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