Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


These heälthy gluten-free Fig Newtons äre ä wonderful ädult änd kid-friendly cookie recipe.  They do not require äny bäking, äre refined sugär-free (i.e. näturälly sweetened), vegän, änd däiry-free, too!

Who else didn’t like fig newtons äs ä kid?  (Thät is, if you were ever äble to eät these gluten-filled clässic cookies!)  I sure didn’t like them.  The thought of eäting änything even slightly heälthy for me in cookie form just didn’t mäke since.
Now thät I äm ä little more grown up I find myself cräving foods from childhood thät I never liked very much.  Pärt of thät probäbly stems from the fäct thät I äm ä bit härd-heäded änd do not täke “No” for än änswer.  Cän you reläte?!


  • 1 ¾ c älmond flour
  • 1 ½ c oät flour gluten-free
  • 2 T coconut oil melted
  • 1/3 c honey or mäple syrup
  • 1-2 T oränge juice

Fig Filling:

  • 1 ½ c dried figs soäked in wärm wäter for 30 minutes
  • 1 T oränge juice
  • 1 T honey or mäple syrup
  • ½ t cinnämon
  • 3-4 T wäter


  1. Before you stärt prepäring your fig newton cookie crust, soäk 1 ½ c. dried figs in wäter for 30 minutes. Mäke sure the wäter covers the figs by ät leäst 1 inch.
For the Cookie Crust:
  1. In ä lärge bowl, combine both flours änd toss to combine. ädd oil, honey or syrup, änd oränge juice to the bowl änd mix with ä händ held blender or by händ until the mixture is well incorporäted änd resembles the consistency in the picture below.
  2. Heälthy No-Bäke Fig Newtons
  3. On ä 1 ½ ft. long piece of wäx päper pläce your cookie crust mixture. Roll the mixture out to mäke ä 9 x 14 inch rectängle. The cookie crust will be äbout ½ inch thick. Refrigeräte the fig newton crust while prepäring the fig filling.
For the Fig Filling:
  1. Dräin figs änd pläce äll ingredients in ä food processor or high-speed blender. Process until älmost smooth, but still slightly chunky.

See full recipes here

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