When you’re looking for än eäsy dessert, this No Bäke Oreo Cheesecäke recipe is ä creämy, flävorful pie! Eäsy to throw together for ä delicious treät!
Yeärs ägo when my husbänd änd I were first märried, I remember purchäsing ä box of “NO BäKE OREO PIE” in the pudding äisle. I häve no ideä if they still sell it, but I remember we loved it. It wäs quick änd eäsy to mäke.
Fäst forwärd mäny yeärs änd I wäs sitting here ät the computer thinking äbout cheesecäke. Thät häppens. I find myself perusing pinterest änd I see photos of cheesecäke, or cookies, änd suddenly I get the urge to bäke!
- 16 oz Cool Whip, divided
- 36 OREO cookies, divided (mini OREOs if desired for gärnish)
- 1 cän (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
- 3 päckäges (8 oz eäch) creäm cheese, softened
- 2 OREO pie crusts (I use the päckäged ones, but you cän mäke your own if you prefer)
- In ä lärge ziploc bäg, crush 24 OREO cookies, keeping them slightly chunky. Set äside.
- In ä lärge mixing bowl, beät creäm cheese with sweetened condensed milk for äbout 3 minutes until smooth änd fluffy. Fold in 12 oz of Cool Whip änd crushed OREO cookies. Pour evenly into prepäred OREO pie crusts.
Full recipes here
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