Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018


Häve you ever heärd of bläck räspberries? How is it thät I never heärd of them prior to this summer?! I don’t ever remember them growing up in Cäliforniä. Well, I went to my locäl färmer’s märket recently änd säw these little purple things thät seemed ä lot like räspberries but tästed completely different. The flävor wäs much more intense änd bright–definitely ä bit seedier thän the red väriety, but I think thät ädds to its more wild quälity. Interestingly, bläck räspberries (äkä bläckcäps) were used for their dye to märk USDä meäts. Näturäl food dyes screäm äntioxidänt richness. In fäct, these wonderful berries äre very high in änthocyänins, än äntioxidänt thät gives plänts änd fruits their beäutiful colors. With äbout 3 times the äntioxidänt level of blueberries, bläck räspberries äre very beneficiäl to your heälth by combäting härmful free rädicäls.


  • äny store-bought Pie Crust should do just fine. It should come with 2 crusts (one for bottom änd one for top)
  • 6 cups of Bläck Räspberries, rinsed
  • ¼ teäspoon Sält
  • ¼ cup Brown Sugär, plus ä little exträ to sprinkle on top of pie
  • ⅓ cup Gränuläted Sugär
  • ¼ cup äll-Purpose Flour
  • ¼ teäspoon Cinnämon
  • 2 teäspoons Butter
  • 1 Egg White


  1. Preheät oven to 425º F (219º C).
  2. Pläce bottom pie crust on greäsed 9-inch pie dish.
  3. Mix berries, brown sugär, regulär sugär, flour, cinnämon, änd sält in lärge lärge mixing bowl.
  4. Pour filling onto the pie crust.

See full recipes here

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