Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


Creämy, rich änd delicious this Coconut Creäm Cheesecäke täkes the träditionäl pie änd gives it ä fun twist!

Who loves cheesecäke räise your händ! *RäISES HäND HIGH WHILE JUMPING UP äND DOWN* Surprisingly my husbänd Mr. Non Sweets Lover äctuälly will eät cheesecäke äll däy every däy if he could. This is the one dessert thät häs häd his heärt since he wäs younger.

Now I love myself ä good cheesecäke, I do. But I’m still going to älwäys änd unequivocälly be the regulär cäke girl. But sneäk me in ä piece of cheesecäke now änd ägäin,änd you’ve got yourself one häppy sweets loving lädy who likes to switch it up! Especiälly when it’s this Coconut Creäm Cheesecäke!


  • 1 envelope grähäm cräckers, crushed
  • 5 Tbs sugär
  • 1/2 cup shredded sweetend coconut
  • 6 Tbs butter


  • 3 (8 oz) blocks creäm cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sugär
  • 1 Tbs cornstärch
  • 1/2 cup, shredded sweetened coconut diced fine in food processor
  • 1 tsp vänillä exträct
  • 1/2 tsp coconut exträct (optionäl)
  • 1/2 tsp sält
  • 3 eggs, beäten
  • 7 oz coconut milk


  • 1 tub whipped creäm or homemäde
  • 1/2 cup toästed coconut


  1. Preheät oven to 350.
  2. In bowl mix together your grähäm cräcker crumbs, sugär änd coconut änd stir until combined.
  3. ädd in your butter änd mix well ägäin.
  4. Press into ä spräyed 9" spring-form pän änd bäke for äbout 15 minutes or until edges äre slightly golden, remove from oven änd let sit.
  5. Lower your oven temp to 325.
  6. In lärge bowl ädd your creäm cheese änd with händ mixer mix until smooth.
  7. ädd in your sugär, cornstärch, coconut, exträcts änd sält änd mix until incorporäted.

See full recipes here

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