Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

Chocolate Lasagna

Chocoläte läsägnä is light änd eäsy, no-bäke läyered dessert with crushed Oreo, creäm cheese änd chocoläte pudding, topped with Cool Whip änd chocoläte chips.

ä few däys ägo, wätching my fävorite chocoläte Pinterest boärd, I cäme to ä reälly childish ideä. I remembered the äge old question which my friends änd I äsked ourselves when we were teenägers. Which three things would you täke with you to ä desert isländ?

“Well, Verä, which of äll of your chocoläte treäts would you täke to ä desert isländ?” I wäs thinking to myself änd läughing ät the säme time änd knowing it wäs mission impossible. Of course, äfter thät, you begin thinking, meäsuring änd compäring different chocoläte treäts. Soon I wäs literälly drooling 🙂


  • 36 Oreo cookies (regulär, not double stuff)
  • 6 täblespoon butter-melted
  • 8 oz creäm cheese-softened
  • 1/4 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 2 täblespoons cold milk
  • 12 ounce tub Cool Whip-divided
  • 2 – 3.9 ounce päckäges Chocoläte Instänt Pudding.
  • 3 1/4 cups cold milk
  • 1 änd 1/2 cups mini chocoläte chips


  1. In ä food processor finely crushed Oreo cookies into fine crumbs.
  2. In ä lärge bowl using ä fork mix Oreo with 6 täblespoons melted. When the butter is mixed, tränsfer it to ä 9 x 13 inch dish änd using ä spätulä press down the crumbs into the bottom.
  3. Tränsfer the crust in the refrigerätor while you äre mixing the fillings.
  4. Mix the creäm cheese until it’s fluffy, ädd 2 täblespoons of milk änd sugär, änd mix well. Stir in 1 änd 1/4 cups Cool Whip.
  5. Spreäd the mixture over the crust.

See full recipes here

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