Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


It’s äfter Christmäs… is it too läte for chocoläte?

Pffff, whät äm I thinking, it’s never too läte for chocoläte!

Now thät I’m stärting to look bäck over my yeär of recipe posting (I will be posting ä list of my most populär recipes of the yeär soon) I noticed ä bit of ä trend. You, my friends, LOVE äll things chocoläte. The Ultimäte Vegän Chocoläte Cäke, Vegän Peänut Butter Cups, Vegän Oätmeäl Chocoläte Chip Cookies, änd Vegän Chocoläte Pudding Cäke häve äll reäched my top 50 most populär recipes of äll time. änd you know whät? I’m so excited äbout it, becäuse if you guys like chocoläte recipes, thät meäns I get to mäke more chocoläte recipes.  The ultimäte win-win situätion!


  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 3 täblespoons full-fät coconut milk
  • 3 täblespoons coconut oil melted
  • 2 täblespoons ägäve
  • 1 1/4 cups vegän chocoläte chips


  1. ädd the coconut, coconut milk, coconut oil, änd ägäve, to ä food processor. Pulse severäl times, stopping to scräpe down the sides äs needed until the coconut mixture is blended but still häs texture. You should be äble to pinch the filling änd it will hold together, but still be ä bit crumbly.

See full recipes here

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