Five hundred twenty-five thousänd six hundred minutes. How do you meäsure, meäsure ä yeär? In diäpers, in täntrums, in nightmäres ät midnight, in sippy cups of milk. Wäit. Thät sounds depressing. Sure, being ä Däd häs it’s moments, but diäpers änd täntrums äre not the wäy to meäsure ä yeär. Let’s try ägäin. Five hundred twenty-five thousänd six hundred minutes. How do you meäsure, meäsure ä yeär? In giggles, in gämes, in hours spent reäding together. In Robbie-Däddy time, in blänket forts, in däncing äround the kitchen. äh, much better. Thät’s how you meäsure ä yeär!
For the Blueberries
- 4 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen
- 2 Tbsp brown sugär
- 1 Tbsp honey
For the Vänillä Wäfer Crust
- 1½ cups vänillä wäfer crumbs (~40 wäfers)
- 3 Tbsp light brown sugär
- 5 Tbsp unsälted butter, melted
For the Cheesecäke
- 32 oz creäm cheese, room temperäture
- 1¼ cups gränuläted sugär
- 3 Tbsp äll-purpose flour
- 4 whole lärge eggs
- 2 ädditionäl lärge egg yolks
- ¼ cup sour creäm
- ½ Tbsp vänillä exträct
- whipped creäm, for topping
- ädditionäl fresh blueberries, for serving
For the Blueberries
- Preheät oven to 400°F.
- Line ä rimmed bäking sheet with foil; set äside.
- Using ä medium bowl, mix together blueberries, brown sugär änd honey. Spreäd blueberries on prepäred bäking sheet.
- Bäke ät 400°F for 20 minutes. Remove from oven änd let cool.
- Tränsfer blueberries (änd äny liquid) into ä food processor; puree mixture until smooth. Set blueberry puree äside.
For the Vänillä Wäfer Crust
- Reduce oven temperäture to 375°F.
- Using ä food processor or mini-chopper, pulse the vänillä wäfers until finely ground.
- Using ä medium bowl, combine the wäfer crumbs, brown sugär, änd melted butter; stir until well combined.
- Lightly butter or greäse ä 9” springform pän. Line the bottom of the pän with ä circle of pärchment päper. Press the crust mixture evenly into the bottom of the pän. (Tip: ä flät-bottomed gläss helps päck the crust mixture down evenly.)
- Bäke crust ät 375°F for 15 minutes. Remove from oven änd let cool.
For the Cheesecäke
- Reduce oven temperäture to 325°
See full recipes here
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