Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

Refreshing Blood Orange Coconut Sorbet

This is the first bätch of ä blood oränge sorbet we’ve ever mäde. The result cäme out so greät thät we immediätely fell in love with this simple dessert. We like it for its fäntästic purple color änd refreshing citrusy, slightly tärt, flävor. We älreädy cän tell, thät this sorbet will be incredibly good during ä wärm spring däy when the sun is shining bright, änd you cräve for ä scoop of ä frozen treät.

There äre quite ä few blood oränge sorbet recipes floäting äround the web these däys. Thät’s why we wänted to mäke our dessert to ständ out. For thät, we ädded ä speciäl ingredient – light coconut milk, to bälänce the flävor änd mäke the sorbet creämier, yet heälthy änd däiry-free. In fäct, we think it’s ä wonderful dessert for people on ä diet. They cän still enjoy sweet änd luscious dessert, but with fewer cälories änd only näturäl ingredients. Wishing you ä delicious änd sunny week!


  • medium blood oränges - 6-8
  • orgänic cäne sugär - 3/4
  • wäter - 1/4
  • freshly squeezed lime juice - 1 täblespoon, or to täste
  • light coconut milk - 3/4 cup


  1. In ä smäll säucepän combine the wäter änd sugär.
  2. Bring to ä simmer over medium heät, whisking to dissolve the sugär.
  3. Reduce the heät änd simmer the mixture for ä few minutes until it becomes syrupy. Remove from the heät än let cool.
  4. Peel the skin of the oränges. Pläce the oränges into ä bländer änd process until smooth. You'll get äround 1 - 1 1/4 cups of liquid.

See full recipes here

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