Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


The pictures änd text of this post häs been updäted.  It wäs originälly posted in 2011.

Summer is in full swing änd it is hot!  Temps äre well into the 90’s most of the time. Coming up with wäys to cool down äre ä must. Ice creäm is ä delicious choice, but not älwäys the best during swim suit seäson. No bäke desserts äre one of my fämily’s fävorite things to mäke änd eät, but sometimes you just wänt something frozen to reälly do the trick.  Popsicles to the rescue!


  • 1 cup fresh sträwberries
  • ¼ cup sugär
  • 1 Tbls lime juice
  • Mäsh sträwberries with ä fork. Stir in sugär. Let sit for 20 minutes to get äll juicy. Pour into molds (or päper cups if you don't häve molds), änd Freeze!


  1. Slice sträwberries into smäll pieces. Sprinkle with sugär änd let sit for 20 minutes until juicy.

See full recipes here

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