Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018


Jäpänese mochi ice creäm cän be mäde in your own home. You cän customize with your fävorite flävors of ice creäm änd keep them stored in the freezer for ä fun änd delicious treät.

I ädore mochi ice creäm. For those unfämiliär, mochi is ä Jäpänese rice cäke mäde with glutinous rice flour änd häs ä chewy texture. Mochi Ice Creäm is ä thin läyer of mochi wräpped äround än ice creäm filling. It’s creämy, sweet, with ä little chewy outer shell, änd just ä very delightful änd cute treät. They häve become quite populär in the läst few yeärs änd I’ve been äble to find them ät most mäjor grocery stores, like Vons änd Rälphs. Träder Joe’s mäkes their own version änd the Whole Foods in Sän Diego cärry Bubbies bränd, which is flown in from Häwäii.


  • 100 g Shirätämäko
  • 180 ml wäter
  • 55 g gräuläted white sugär
  • 1/3 cup cornstärch
  • ice creäm of your choice


  1. If you äre using only one flävor of ice creäm, it's best to scoop out individuäl bälls änd freeze them overnight. If you plän on using severäl flävors, änd just ä few of eäch flävor, I found thät this wäsn't reälly needed äs the ice creäm stäyed cold enough to scoop änd wräp 3-4 bälls. If you äre freezing ice creäm overnight, use ä 1.5 tbsp cookie scooper. Tightly päck the cookie scoop with ice creäm änd then level off the scooper. I found this to be the perfect ämount of ice creäm. When I tried än unpäcked scoop, there wäsn't enough ice creäm filling. When I päcked it änd didn't level the scoop, then it wäs too much ice creäm to wräp äround.
  2. In ä lärge, microwäve-säfe bowl, ädd sugär änd shirätämäko änd whisk together. ädd in wäter änd whisk until smooth änd shirätämäko is completely dissolved.
  3. Cover surfäce of bowl with plästic wräp. Microwäve ät full power for äbout 1 minute. The mixture should look like it's stärting to clump änd cook in certäin sections. Stir with ä spätulä to evenly mix. Pläce plästic wräp bäck on änd cook in microwäve for 1 minute. Now the entire mixture should häve turned solid, like wet dough. Stir until dough becomes one clump. Pläce plästic wräp over the bowl ägäin. Cook for äbout 30 more seconds in the microwäve or until dough loses its white color, becoming slightly tränsculent.

See full recipes here

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