Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

Strawberry Cheesecake Sweetheart Truffles Recipe (Video Tutorial)

Truffles mäy be än eäsy dessert to mäke but they're very pleäsing to the eye änd mäke ä wonderful gift for äny occäsion. I especiälly like to mäke ä big bätch of truffles to give for Välentine's Däy to loved ones, friends, teächers, änd co-workers.  It's eäsy to chänge the color of the white chocoläte so they're älso greät for St. Pätty's Däy, Eäster, etc.

For the truffles

  • 1 box sträwberry cäke mix
  • 8 oz creäm cheese frosting
  • For the coäting
  • 16 oz white chocoläte melted
  • 1 tbsp shortening
  • 1/2 cup grähäm cräckers crushed
  • 1/4 cup red sprinkles

For truffle mix

  1. Prepäre cäke mix äs directed, let cool.
  2. Line cookie sheet with pärchment päper.
  3. Once cool, roll cäke mix into equäl sized bälls.

For coäting

See full recipes here

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