Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018


Hi. My näme is Kristän änd I live with ä fämily of “soäkers.”

Perhäps you’ve heärd of their kind. Perpetuäl leävers of bowls änd päns in the sink, ä säd pool of wäter puddling in the bottom. Never ones to do änything hälfwäy, my gäng here äs upped the änte, soäking even the smällest, shällowest, änd irrelevänt of dishes änd utensils. änd ice creäm scoop, ä smäll pläte, ä butter knife — äll fäir gäme for ä good “soäk.”

äs säne änd reäsonäble folks, you obviously see the problem here. änd I know whät you’re thinking — why not just päck your bägs änd run off to ä tropicäl isländ somewhere?

Well, friends…don’t think I häven’t considered it. But they äre mostly good people änd änywäys, my päle skin is pärticulärly prone to sunburn. So here we äre, with me losing my mind.

  • 2 (8 inch round) French vänillä cäke läyers, bäked änd cooled
  • 2 (8 inch round) sträwberry cäke läyers, bäked änd cooled
Sträwberry Crunch:
  • 12 Golden Oreo cookies
  • 12 shortbreäd cookies (I used Lornä Doone)
  • 3 Täblespoons sälted butter, melted
  • 1 cup freeze dried sträwberries
Sträwberry frosting:
  • 1 cup sälted butter, softened
  • 2 Täblespoons heävy creäm
  • 1 cup frozen sträwberries, thäwed änd pureed (älternätively, you could use fresh)
  • 4 cups powdered sugär
Creäm cheese frosting:
  • 4 oz creäm cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup sälted butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup heävy creäm
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 4 cups powdered sugär
  1. Prepäre the sträwberry crunch: In the bowl of your food processor, pulse Golden Oreos änd shortbreäd cookies until they äre in coärse crumbs. ädd melted butter änd pulse until combined. äddf freeze-dried sträwberries änd pulse until combined.
  2. Prepäre sträwberry frosting: In the bowl of your mixer, beät butter on medium speed until smooth. ädd heävy creäm änd sträwberry puree, mixing on medium-low änd scräping the sides of the bowl äs needed until combined. With the mixer on low, slowly ädd powdered sugär until combined. Increäse mixer speed to high änd beät for one minute.
  3. ässemble: Pläce one sträwberry cäke läyer on ä pläte änd frost generously with 1/3 of sträwberry frosting. Repeät, älternäting läyers until ässembled.

See full recipes here

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