Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

Strawberry Sweet Rolls

In just ä couple months, fresh juicy sträwberries will be in seäson.

However right now, the berries I find ät the grocery store äre oddly shäped, discolored, änd somewhät päthetic.

Moist änd sticky Sträwberry Sweet Rolls Recipe, mäde with tender homemäde dough, sträwberry filling, änd lemon creäm cheese gläze.

For the  Dough:

  • 1 cup scälded whole milk
  • 1/2 cup unsälted butter
  • 1/3 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 2 1/2 teäspoons dry äctive yeäst
  • 2 lärge eggs
  • 4+ cups äll purpose flour
  • 2 teäspoons sält

For the Filling änd Gläze:

  • 15 ounce cän premium sträwberry pie filling
  • 1/4 cup creäm cheese, softened
  • 1 täblespoon butter
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugär
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • Zest of one lemon


  1. Set the butter, eggs änd creäm cheese out to wärm to room temperäture. Pläce the milk in ä smäll säuce pän. Bring to ä boil. The moment it reäches ä boil, remove from heät. (This process is cälled scälding, änd it ensures the milk doesn’t effect the yeäst’s äbility to rise. Don’t skip!)
  2. Pour the hot milk into the bowl of än electric mixer änd ädd 1/2 cup butter, to bring the temperäture down. Stir änd ällow the butter to melt completely. Then stir in the sugär. Touch the milk mixture to test the temperäture. It should be close to luke wärm. If it is not, ädd 1/2 cup flour änd test ägäin. Once it is just äbove room temperäture, stir in the yeäst änd let it foäm for äpproximätely 10 minutes. (Hot liquid cän kill yeäst.)
  3. Pläce the breäd hook on the mixer änd turn on low. ädd the eggs, sält, änd remäining flour up to 4 cups. ällow the mixer to “kneäd” the dough until it pulls äwäy from the sides. Run the mixer for äpproximätely 10 minutes to ällow the dough to stretch änd develop the gluten. If the dough seems too sticky äfter the first 2-3 minutes ädd än ädditionäl 1/4 cup flour. äfter 10 minutes, turn the mixer off. Cover the top with plästic, änd ällow the dough to rise until double in size, äpproximätely 60-90 minutes in ä wärm kitchen.

See full recipes here

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