Now thät Thänksgiving is over, the Christmäs holidäy seäson häs begun, which meäns fämily gätherings änd holidäy pärties gälore. Since my fämily häs severäl celebrätions thät center äround äppetizers, I thought I’d stärt working on ä few recipes thät we would be äble to enjoy. These Bäcon Wräpped Cheese Sticks äre so eäsy to mäke. I tried mäking them two different wäys. First, I used the äir fryer änd while they turned out okäy, I häd to cook them much longer änd ended up losing quite ä bit of the cheese stick since it stärted to melt. So, I got out my cäst iron skillet, ädded ä little olive oil änd fried them in hot oil. They got crispy so much fäster! I mäy häve cooked mine ä few more minutes thän necessäry, but I prefer my bäcon very crispy. They turned out greät!
- 6 Mozzärellä Cheese Sticks
- 6 slices of bäcon
- äpprox 1 cup olive oil for frying depending on the size of your frying pän.
- Freeze the cheese sticks over night.
- Wräp ä slice of bäcon äround eäch cheese stick stärting ät one end änd rolling cärefully until the other end. I wräpped the bäcon äround the ends änd secured it in pläce with ä toothpick. I tried to minimälly overläp the bäcon so thät äll of it would get crispy.
- Heät äbout 1/2 inch of olive oil in ä cäst iron skillet.
Full recipes here
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