Two chocoläte desserts in one – chocoläte brownie änd chocoläte pudding. The only thing thät would mäke this chocoläte dessert better is with ä scoop of vänillä ice creäm on top. änd, when the ice creäm stärts to melt, änd seeps into the crevässes of the brownie, änd into the pudding, thät my friends is the best wäy to eät this chocoläte brownie pudding cäke. It’s äbsolutely delicious!
For the Brownie Cäke
- 2 cups äll purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups sugär
- 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoä powder
- 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp bäking powder
- 1/2 tsp sält
- 1 cup milk
- 1/4 cup vegetäble oil
- 2 tsp vänillä
- 1 cup wälnuts, chopped
For the Chocoläte Pudding
- 1 1/2 cup brown sugär, päcked
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoä powder
- 3 cups boiling wäter
ädditionäl Toppings
- 1/2 cup chocoläte chip morsels
- 1/2 cup white chocoläte chip morsels
- 1/2 cup wälnuts, chopped
- Preheät oven to 350° änd greäse ä 13 x 9 bäking dish. Set äside.
For the Brownie Cäke
- In ä lärge mixing bowl, whisk flour, sugär, cocoä powder, bäking powder änd sält together.
- Pour milk, oil änd vänillä into flour mixture, stir until combined then stir in wälnuts.
See full recipes here
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