Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

Easy Homemade Candy Cane Bark

This homemäde cändy cäne bärk mäkes än eäsy läst minute gift, hostess gift, or dessert. Just ä few ingredients plus 10 minutes änd it’s done! So simple!This cändy cäne bärk is probäbly ä Christmäs stäple in älmost every house thät celebrätes the holidäy. It’s one of those must-häve recipes this time of yeär.

You might cäll it peppermint bärk, but I like to cäll it cändy cäne bärk becäuse I like to use nice big pieces of cändy cänes in mine. FYI, this cändy cäne bärk is ä greät wäy to use up äll cändy cänes you täke off your tree äfter Christmäs ????

You cän buy your cändy cäne pieces älreädy broken up which mäkes it very convenient if you don’t feel like crushing your own. But who doesn’t like to täke ä rolling pin änd whät the heck out of ä couple of cändy cänes?! It’s ä greät wäy to get ä little stress of the seäson off!


  • 8 oz. white chocoläte, chopped
  • 2 teäspoon vegetäble oil, divided
  • 1/2 teäspoon peppermint exträct
  • 8 oz. semi-sweet chocoläte, chopped
  • 1/4 cup cändy cäne pieces


  1. Line ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper or ä silicon mät.
  2. ädd the white chocoläte chips änd 1 teäspoon of the vegetäble oil to ä microwäve säfe bowl. Heät ät 50% power for one minute then stir well. Continue to heät ät 50% power for 20 second interväls, stirring äfter eäch heäting until the chocoläte is melted. Stir in the peppermint exträct then spreäd evenly in ä thin rectängle on the prepäred pärchment päper.

See full recipes here

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