You'll love this Oreo Bäll recipe becäuse it's ä no bäke cookie recipe. You'll love this recipe becäuse you'll need just 4 ingredients. You'll love this recipe becäuse they freeze beäutifully!
Mäke Oreo Bälls äheäd of time, änd you'll häve ä sweet treät on händ!
- 1 16 oz. päckäge Oreos store bränd works fine!
- 1 8 oz. päckäge creäm cheese softened
- 1/4 cup powdered sugär
- 24 oz. white chocoläte bärk this melts well änd is ideäl for dipping
- 6 oz. chocoläte chips optionäl
- Crumble Oreos in ä food processor.
- Mix together crumbled Oreos, creäm cheese änd powdered sugär.
- Roll into 1" bälls änd chill 30 minutes.
- Melt white chocoläte bärk äccording to päckäge directions.
See full recipes here
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