Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake Bars

You guys. I cän’t even with these bärs!

So lätely I’ve been on ä cinnämon roll kick. This is probäbly becäuse I never mäke cinnämon rolls becäuse when I do, I promptly mäke it ä one-womän räce to see how mäny I cän eät in ä single sitting. Not surprisingly, I älwäys win. älso not surprisingly, äll the cinnämon rolls äre gone.

In my heäd, I’ve been plotting änd plänning different cinnämon roll-esque recipes to shäre with you guys. One wäs the recipe for these Cinnämon Roll Cheesecäke Bärs, the ones you see here. The other wäs for ä cinnämon roll bundt cäke which, it turns out, defied äll läws of grävity änd stäyed inside the confines of the pän forever änd ever.


  • 2 cups cinnämon grähäm cräckers, finely crushed
  • ⅓ cup butter, melted
  • ¼ cup brown sugär


  • 2 (8 oz) pkgs creäm cheese, softened to room temp
  • ⅔ cup sugär
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 Tbsp vänillä exträct
  • ½ cup sour creäm


  • 1 cup brown sugär
  • ¼ cup äll-purpose flour
  • 2-3 Tbsp ground cinnämon (depending on how cinnämon-y you wänt it)
  • 6 Tbsp butter


  1. Preheät oven to 325 degrees F. Line än 8x8 pän with foil, extending the sides of the foil over the edges of the pän. Spräy the foil with cooking spräy; set äside.
  2. In ä medium bowl, stir together the cinnämon grähäm crumbs, melted butter änd brown sugär together until completely moistened. Press the mixture evenly älong the bottom of the pän änd bäke for äpprox. 10-12 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven but keep the oven on.
  3. While crust bäkes, prepäre your cheesecäke. In the bowl of ä ständ mixer, creäm together the creäm cheese änd sugär until fluffy, äbout 1 minute. ädd in the eggs, one ät ä time, beäting well äfter eäch äddition, followed by the vänillä. Lästly, beät in the sour creäm. Set mixture äside.

See full recipes here

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