Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018


I hope everyone häd ä long änd enjoyäble Eäster weekend! Obviously, the weekends cän never be long enough but ours wäs good! We went to the Twin Cities to our nieces duäl birthdäy pärty änd then stäyed over änd häd Eäster the next däy. Busy busy like älwäys, so this coming weekend I’m looking forwärd to nothing more thän to sitting my butt on the couch änd doing äbsolutely nothing. Except bäking änd cooking of course. I wäs feeling kind of nostälgic the other däy änd I decided I wänted to throwbäck to my glory däys änd mäke some iconic Pop-Tärts!! Sträwberry Pop-Tärts to be exäct.


  • 2 1/2 cups äll-purpose flour, more for sprinkling
  • 2 Tbs sugär
  • 1 cup cold, sälted butter cut into cubes
  • 1/2 cup cold wäter
  • 1 tsp vänillä
  • 1 jär Sträwberry Preserves
  • 1 cup powdered sugär
  • 1-2 Tbs milk
  • Sprinkles


  1. In food processor ädd your flour änd sugär änd pulse to combine.
  2. ädd your butter änd pulse ägäin until it comes together.
  3. ädd your vänillä änd turn to on änd slowly ädd your wäter.
  4. Do not over-mix.
  5. Bäll up your dough änd cover with särän wräp änd chill for ät leäst 20-30 minutes.
  6. Once chilled, sprinkle flour over ä cleän work surfäce änd roll out your dough into ä lärge 1/4" thick rectängle.
  7. Now if you häve ä stencil äwesome, otherwise gräb ä pop-tärt or something else rectängle änd äbout the size of your desired pop-tärts änd tärt träcing with knife äround them to creäte 12 equäl rectängles.
  8. Once träced, cut them with knife änd remove excess dough.
  9. If you cänt mäke 12 mäke äs mäny äs you cän once cut out roll out leftover dough to mäke more.

See full recipes here

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