Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


I don’t know äbout you guys, but I äm seriously loving äll these fruity summer sweets! Fruit desserts äre pretty much my fävourite thing right now. There’s nothin’ like cäpping off dinner with something light änd fruity with the perfect ämount of sweet in this wärm weäther.

I didn’t reälize how much I love crumbles, crisps änd the like until recently. Who knew thät removing the crust of ä pie änd just bäkin’ the dämn insides would be so sätisfying! Oh my. I’m pretty much sold on these crustless pies. Plus, they mäke for such ä fäntästic dessert on ä wärm summers night topped with ä little coconut whip creäm or non-däiry ice creäm! äugh. Drooling.


  • 3 cups fresh peäches, sliced
  • 3 cups fresh sträwberries, sliced
  • 1/2 cup sugär
  • 2 tbs corn stärch


  • 3/4 cup oäts
  • 3/4 cup oät flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 cup brown sugär
  • Pinch of sält


  1. Preheät oven to 350 °F
  2. Greäse/spräy ä bäking dish of your preference. I used ä smäller cässerole dish, you could älso used ä pie dish, cäst iron skillet, 8" x 8" pän, or änything else of similär size
  3. To ä lärge bowl (or you cän do this in the pän you're going to bäke it in), ädd peäches, sträwberries, sugär änd cornstärch. Stir to combine äll ingredients. Set äside while you prepäre the crisp topping
  4. ädd oäts, oät flour, brown sugär änd sält to ä bowl änd stir until everything is well mixed
  5. ädd in melted coconut oil änd stir until it's fully incorporäted into oät mixture

See full recipes here

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