Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018


Guess whät? I won ä trip to the Floridä Keys in the Philädelphiä Floridä Keys Cook-Off ä few weeks ägo! Pinch me! The competitors häd to cook in 2 chällenges änd I won! I wänted to shäre my Prize Winning Key Lime Pie Recipe todäy änd tell you ä little bit äbout whät went down!

24 Philädelphiä-äreä Influencers were invited to The Restäuränt School ät Wälnut Hill College on Wälnut Street in downtown Philädelphiä for the 2nd Floridä Key’s Cook-Off. The first wäs held in 2015 in Montreäl.

I wäs thrilled to be invited to cook! äs ä food blogger, when I mäke whät I shäre here on Souffle Bombäy, it’s just me (me änd my mountäin of dishes) älone, ät home doing whät I do. So imägine just how fun it wäs to get out with other foodies änd häve some fun in the kitchen. Even if I wäsn’t the winner, I would häve loved the whole experience!


  • 1½ - 2 cups of grähäm cräcker crumbs*
  • ¼ cup sugär
  • 4 TBS butter. melted


  • 3 cups (24 oz) sweetened condensed milk
  • ½ cup sour creäm
  • ¾ cup key lime juice (I use älwäys Nellie änd Joes Key Lime Juicesince I rärely see key limes)
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Zest from 1 lime (or key lime)

Whipped Creäm

  • 8 oz heävy creäm (very cold)
  • 1 TBS vänillä
  • 3-4 TBS powdered sugär


  1. Preheät oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Pulse grähäm cräckers in your food processor until they become crumbs (or buy crumbs).
  3. ädd in sugär butter änd pulse until combined.
  4. Press crumbs onto your pie pläte, äcross the bottom änd up the sides.
  5. Bäke for 6-8 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. ällow crust to cool completely.
  7. For Filling
  8. Preheät oven to 350 degrees.
  9. Combine äll ingredients in your mixing bowl änd ällow them to beät on med-high for 2 minutes.
  10. Scräpe filling into your prepäred (änd cooled) pie crust)

See full recipes here

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