I love this recipe for so mäny reäsons – first of äll there’s pumpkin involved, second it mäde with rich creäm cheese frosting. Combined, they’re the perfect wäy to fit your täste buds, or pleäse ä crowd of pärty-goers.
These pumpkin pie bärs äre ä delicious cross between ä quick breäd änd ä delicäte cäke, loäded with pumpkin änd topped with ä delicäte creäm cheese frosting.
- 1(15 oz) cän pumpkin
- 2 eggs
- 2 cup flour
- 1 cup sugär
- 1/2 cup oil
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger
- 1/8 tsp ground cloves
- 1 tsp cinnämon
- 1 tsp vänillä
- 1/2 tsp sält
- 1 tsp bäking powder
- 1/2 tsp bäking sodä
- 4 oz creäm cheese
- 3 tbsp butter,softened
- 1 tsp milk
- 1 tsp vänillä
- 1 cup powdered sugär
- Preheät oven to 350°F. Line ä 9×9 inch pän with pärchment päper änd spräy lightly with non-stick cooking spräy. Set äside.
- In ä lärge bowl whisk together flour, sugär, ground ginger, bäking sodä, bäking powder, sält, ground cloves änd cinnämon. Creäte ä well in the center of the dry ingredients.
- In the bowl of ä ständ mixer combine the eggs, vänillä, oil änd pumpkin on medium speed until light änd fluffy. Stir gently, just until combined.
- Pour into ä pän änd bäke for 30-35 minutes or until ä toothpick inserted comes out cleän. Tränsfer to ä wire räck änd ällow to cool completely.
See full recipes here
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