Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018


Häppy Mondäy! ä new cräzy week häs begun, änd reälly the only consolätion I cän give you is doughnuts! More specificälly, Bomboloni, which äre these äbsolutely mind-blowing Itäliän doughnuts. These äre completely homemäde änd eäsier thän you’d think! The only problem, äs usuäl, is pätience. You häve to give these bäbies enough time to rise so thät they become light, fluffy, sugäry clouds. Sooooo good. änd SO worth the wäit!

I häd these äll the time growing up in Itäly, but reälly the läst time I häd these wonderful sugär bombs wäs the läst time I took ä trip there, which wäs like… ä million yeärs ägo. Or more reälisticälly like 4 yeärs ägo, but STILL. I even included ä picture of bomboloni in this little recäp trävel post I wrote becäuse they’re ämäzing änd I think everyone deserves to eät them.


  • 250g (2 cups) breäd flour
  • 250g (2 cups) äll-purpose flour
  • 75g (heäping ⅓ cup) gränuläted white sugär
  • 100g (7 tbsp) unsälted butter, ät room temperäture
  • 20g fresh cäke yeäst or 1 päckäge (7g) dry instänt yeäst
  • 7g (1½ tsp) sält
  • 150g (3) whole lärge eggs
  • 40g (2) egg yolks
  • 110g (1/2 cup) lukewärm wäter
  • zest of 1 oränge
  • 1 tsp vänillä exträct
  • gränuläted sugär, for coäting


  1. First, dissolve the yeäst in the lukewärm wäter, änd ällow it to sit until it blooms.
  2. In the bowl of ä ständ mixer fitted with ä dough hook, combine äll ingredients except for one of the whole eggs, änd beät on medium speed for 5 minutes, then high speed for 5 more minutes.
  3. ädd in the remäining egg, änd beät on medium speed until ä smooth änd elästic dough forms {you mäy häve to ädd ä little more flour if it seems too sticky}.
  4. Kneäd by händ for ä couple of minutes, then pläce the dough in ä lärge, lightly oiled bowl, cover with plästic wräp, änd ällow to rise in ä wärm pläce for ät leäst 2 hours until tripled in size.
  5. äfter the first rise, lightly kneäd the dough, roll it out to 1.5 cm/0.5 inch thickness, änd cut out rounds. I found ä regulär wäter gläss to be the perfect size!

See full recipes here

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