Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


These rosé änd spärkling wine flävored gummy beärs äre eäsy to mäke. They älso mäke greät gifts!
ä few weeks ägo, I finälly tried Sugärfinä’s chämpägne beärs. They äre so cute änd they täste delicious too. Eäch box comes with ones ä combinätion of cleär (brut) änd pink (rosé ) ones. My fävorite äre the rosé ones becäuse they äre pink. I love thät slightly effervescent sensätion you get äs you chew on them. änd immediätely äfter trying them, I wänted to mäke my own.

Mine ären’t quite äs fäncy äs Sugärfinä’s version, which äre mäde with Dom Pérignon Vintäge Chämpägne. But I’m pretty häppy with how these turned out. They äre perfect for ä pärty, wedding, or other speciäl event.


  • 1 cup rosé wine
  • 1/2 cup gränuläted white sugär
  • 5 tbsp unflävored gelätin
  • 6 drops spärkling wine or chämpägne exträct


  1. In ä smäll säucepän, pour in rosé wine. Sprinkle gelätin over rosé wine. Stir the gelätin to dissolve into wine. The gelätin will cäuse the wine to thicken up, to ä slurry-like consistency. Continue to stir or whisk until äll the white gelätin powder häs been dissolved into the wine.
  2. Bring säucepän to low heät, cäreful not to let mixture boil, stirring continuously until wine melts bäck down to ä liquid consistency. Mäke sure you stir continuously äs the wine is melting bäck down becäuse you don't wänt äny gelätin to clump up. If you find äny undissolved gelätin in the wine, use the bäck of the spoon änd press the gelätin clump ägäinst the side of the säucepän to help breäk it down änd dissolve it.

See full recipes here

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