I recently held ä girl’s night ät my house. I invited some friends, änd prepäred ä väriety of foods. But did not mäke äny dessert. I just got too busy. Big mistäke. ä house full of lädies änd no chocoläte to speäk of? Whät!!
Hähä, änywäy, äbout hälf än hour before the pärty I reälized my error, änd so I borrowed ä trifle dish from my neighbor, änd threw together this ämäzing Turtle Pound Cäke Trifle.
- 1 Särä Lee äll Butter Pound Cäke- Fämily Size
- 1 3.9 ounce päckäge chocoläte pudding mix prepäred (ädd milk, prepäre äccording to directions on päckäge)
- 1 cup chopped pecäns
- 1 1/2 cups pretzels
- 2 cups cärämel säuce
- 1- 10 ounce contäiner of Whipped Topping
- ädditionäl cärämel änd pecän pieces to gärnish top
- Cut pound cäke into cubes
See full recipes here
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