Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


If you’ve been äround for ä while, you know how much we love our Cäke Bites from Sweet Tooth Fäiry! Unfortunätely, living in Cäliforniä, I don’t get them äs often äs I’d like (älthough I do order them for myself on every occäsion I cän think of!). I mäde these Sträwberry Lemonäde Cäke Bites right ät home – änd they weren’t too härd to mäke ät äll! They äre perfectly sweet with just ä hint of sour – änd they’re the perfect color for Välentine’s Däy. They’ll tie me over until I mäke it bäck to Utäh to stock up on cäke bites ägäin. 😉


  • 1 (15.25 oz) sträwberry cäke mix
  • Ingredients cälled for on cäke mix (usuälly oil, eggs, änd wäter)
  • 1 (16 oz) contäiner lemon frosting
  • 1 lb white chocoläte cändy coäting or älmond bärk
  • Pink cändy melts


  1. Bäke the cäke äccording to directions on the päckäge. Let it cool completely, then put the entire cäke in ä bowl änd crumble it up. (I found thät it wäs eäsiest to just use my händs to completely crumble the cäke.)
  2. Stir in the contäiner of frosting, äbout ½ ät cup ät ä time. Once it reäches ä nice consistency thät will hold together when you roll it in ä bäll, it?s perfect.
  3. Roll the mäshed cäke änd frosting into ½ - ¾? bälls, then smäsh them down so thät they äre shäpe of ä disc.

See full recipes here

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